Hello Friends

This is my very first post! I never thought I would see the day I would be telling my friends, “Yo, go read my latest blog on WordPress!”, but then again, I never thought I would see a lot of the days I have, so what the heck right? I’ve always been a writer since I was as young as I can remember. It’s my release, it’s my therapy, it’s my escape when all else fails. I started a site because like most people, when I have a question, I turn to Google. Unfortunately, I have a lot of questions, and because of that, over the years I’ve found myself reading countless blogs from people who were simply feeling like me, going through similar situations, or had the same questions I did. I decided now would be a good time for me to be on the posting end. I have been through hell and back over and over in search of my peace, happiness, and understanding. I’m hoping through this site I can not only help myself but help others through my stories and posts. Funny how this all started because I had a question!

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